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Allikas: Vikitsitaadid
Viimase kommentaari postitas Ehitaja 3 aasta eest.

Kuluks ära mõni mõõduka entusiasmiga tsitaat, mis kirjeldaks, mis tööstus õigupoolest on, millal tekkis ja kuidas toimib, aga inglise Tsitaatidest polnud väga võtta. Seal on pikalt Engelsit, keda peaks tsiteerima olemasolevas tõlkes, muidu läheb terminoloogia metsa, ning terve rida tsitaate kasutab sõna industry hoopis usinuse ja ettevõtlikkuse kohta - sellega peab tõlkides ettevaatlik olema. --Ehitaja (arutelu) 4. juuni 2020, kell 04:47 (EEST)Vasta

entusiasmiaga on keeruline ehk siis Konrad Lorenz: --WikedKentaur (arutelu) 4. juuni 2020, kell 07:30 (EEST)Vasta
No praegu domineerivad ökoloogid jt kriitikud, aga ei tahaks ju jätta lugejat pärast lehekülje lugemist maha samasuguse masendusega nagu iga päev uudistest saab. Meil masendavaid lehekülgi niigi palju (isegi vanasõnad kipuvad olema tigedad ja väiklased). Seda Lorenzi kirjakohta vist eesti keelde juba tõlgitud ei ole? --Ehitaja (arutelu) 4. juuni 2020, kell 14:09 (EEST)Vasta

Market capitalism is the best thing that ever happened to the common man. The rich have always had access to entertainment, often in the comfort of their palaces and mansions. The rich have never had to experience the drudgery of having to beat out carpets, iron their clothing or slave over a hot stove all day in order to have a decent dinner. They could afford to hire people. Capitalism's mass production and marketing have made radios and televisions, vacuum cleaners, wash-and-wear clothing and microwave ovens available and well within the means of the common man; thus, sparing him of the boredom and drudgery of the past. Today, the common man has the power to enjoy much (and more) of what only the rich could afford yesteryear.

   Walter E. Williams Markets, Governments, and the Common Good

In concluding let me say that we are now but on the threshold of the coming era of true cooperation. The time is fast going by for the great personal or individual achievement of any one man standing alone and without the help of those around him. And the time is coming when all great things will be done by the cooperation of many men in which each man performs that function for which he is best suited, each man preserves his individuality and is supreme in his particular function, and each man at the same time loses none of his originality and proper personal initiative, and yet is controlled by and must work harmoniously with many other men.

   F.W. Taylor (1906). "On the Art of Cutting Metals," Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. XXVIII, 1906, pp. 31–350.