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Kasutaja arutelu:A09

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Viimase kommentaari postitas Ehitaja 5 kuu eest teemas Unblock request.

Unblock request


@Ehitaja: Please lift my block. This seems to be a misunderstanding. I was not removing content, but rather reverting meta:User:Leonidlednev/LTAs/Risto hot sir, who is known for additions of false dates (as it is likely here the case) and crosswiki additions of machine translated image captions. As a reminder, he is currently evading a lock and should first make a sucessful unlock appeal and only then start editing. I believe I should be unblocked. Sadly this is not the first time I was blocked for similar reasons on other wikis, however after an additional explanation admins always lifted the block. Please lift the block. Best, A09 (arutelu) 5. august 2024, kell 21:43 (EEST)Vasta

@A09: If you promise to behave and learn from your mistakes. Do you realize that every single one of your changes had to be reversed? From the viewpoint of our project, you are disruptive and that weird Finnish dude is not. We can police our project for vandalism, thank you very much, and do not need the "assistance" of someone who only thinks about going after a blacklisted user and paying no attention whatsoever to the actual content. From strictly pragmatic viewpoint, your track record shows nothing useful for us, you only increase my workload. If you promise to keep that in mind then I can give you the benefit of the doubt. But if you show no sign of understanding the situation then I shall block you indefinitely because we do not need disruptions by self-appointed police with unthinking, bot-like behaviour. I've seen too much of it to give incompetence free reign. In summary: behave yourself, think whether your changes are actually beneficial, and we'll get along just fine. --Ehitaja (arutelu) 6. august 2024, kell 12:51 (EEST)Vasta
I am deeply disaapointed by your comment. You are mistaken about Risto’s harmlessness, he is not, misdating images are a common modus operandi and you diminish my actions while not taking appropriate care in understanding what had caused them. My edits are nor harmful nor disruptive. Your comment about blacklisted users makes me think you do not know the ever more often concept of a lock evasion. I do understand the situation, I ask the same of you. Moreover, you are accussing me of being police which is a false accusation. If you wish to have false image datations, then have it, and I won’t be the one cleaning it up when going over every limit. A saddened comment, nontheless. A09 (arutelu) 6. august 2024, kell 20:25 (EEST)Vasta
@Pseudacorus: What is your opinion on the block? I see you have blocked some Risto hot sir socks in the past, could you give a comment regarding this matter please? Thanks, A09 (arutelu) 6. august 2024, kell 23:02 (EEST)Vasta
@A09: I see that you think you have no intention to stop jumping into projects where you have never done anything positive, delete content and leave the locals cleaning up after you while you'll be patting on your own shoulder for the presumably good job you did. In that case, in unblocking you I see no possible positive effects and only negative outcome. From our project's PoV, unblocking would be unreasonable. --Ehitaja (arutelu) 7. august 2024, kell 00:18 (EEST)Vasta
Isn't it strange that intelligent people do not see the connection: Risto hot sir, having done about 80,000 useful contributions, was blocked at Simple English wikipedia by Vermont for personal reasons. Then Wim b blocked Risto globally based on a lie of Praxidicae in less than an hour, without conversation and explanation with poor (level 2) English. Abusing of rights?--Rukan kiho (arutelu) 7. august 2024, kell 01:03 (EEST)Vasta
@Rukan kiho: I'm not really sure you're helping with your comment, either. --Ehitaja (arutelu) 7. august 2024, kell 01:33 (EEST)Vasta
That account in question has been globally locked for long-term abuse. --SHB2000 (arutelu) 7. august 2024, kell 03:20 (EEST)Vasta
I am not concerned by whatever Risto the Mad Finn has done elsewhere. In this particular project, he had free reign for years and when we were cleaning it up, some of his changes had to go and some of it we could keep. So, he has actually been useful, too. He is a little bit annoying and sometimes he makes low-quality edits, adding not very well picked images with somewhat botched information. (That's what annoys the other admin here, usually.) Neither of you guys has added any useful content in this project whatsoever. That actually does not look good in comparison. --Ehitaja (arutelu) 7. august 2024, kell 22:08 (EEST)Vasta
How much has one added is a bit pointless argument, someone could actually argue that every account with zero edits has done nothing useful for the project and thus could be blocked. Per my experience, RHS is the opposite of what you're presenting here. A09 (arutelu) 8. august 2024, kell 15:18 (EEST)Vasta
Your comment is not adhering to any policy of good faith assumption. Based on four contextless edits you have diminished my edits as disruptive and bad, which I did not expect from someone who should be adhering to basic etiquette. I do not wish to take part in any such community where bad faithed admins make baseless as well as false accusations against users dealing with crosswiki case. Go ahead, take this matter further if you think I am disrupting other projects. A09 (arutelu) 7. august 2024, kell 09:04 (EEST)Vasta
"I do not wish to take part in any such community" - That's all you've been asked, thank you very much. "Go ahead, take this matter further" - you overestimate your relevance. As far as I'm concerned, the current situation is perfect and all problems are solved. If you need attention, look for it elsewhere. Have a nice life. --Ehitaja (arutelu) 7. august 2024, kell 22:08 (EEST)Vasta
It is not about my relevance, but your block. And situation is far from perfect, we could do more productive stuff if you had warned/asked me before blocking. A09 (arutelu) 8. august 2024, kell 15:19 (EEST)Vasta

The basic problem is that some guys at Meta think they know the needs of wikis better then local admins. That's colonialism.-- 9. august 2024, kell 00:39 (EEST)Vasta

That’s nonsense. Check what colonialism is. A09 (arutelu) 9. august 2024, kell 11:20 (EEST)Vasta
Really, I could say the same to you, but I don't expect any intellectually enlighting discussion on colonialism studies, cultural influences of colonialism, and colonialist mindset here. For starting a reading list: Colonial mentality, Neocolonialism#Cultural_approaches, Subaltern (postcolonialism). --Ehitaja (arutelu) 10. august 2024, kell 00:51 (EEST)Vasta