
Sri Aurobindo Akroid Ghoshi (15. august 1872 Calcutta – 5. detsember 1950) oli India revolutsionäär, ühiskonnategelane, luuletaja, joogi ja müstik.
[muuda]- Venelased on kummaline segu tugevusest ja nõrkusest. Nende intellektis on kirg, ütleme, et neil on kirglik intellekt. Nende emotsionaalne seis on hajevil ja rahutu, kuid selle taga on miski väga peen ja psüühiline, ehkki nende hing ei ole kuigi terve. Ja sellepärast mul pole õigust öelda, et Gandhi on vene kristlane, kuna ta on nii kohutavalt kuiv. Tal on intellektuaalne kirg ja suur moraalne tahtejõud, kuid ta on kuivem kui venelased. Kannatuse evangeelium, mida ta jutustab, pärineb Venemaalt rohkem kui kuskilt mujalt Euroopas... Teised kristlikud rahvad seda ei usu. Kõige rohkem võivad nad sellest mõelda, kuid venelastel on see veres. Nad teevad vea, jutlustades kannatuste evangeeliumi, kuid ka meie Indias teeme vea, jutlustades vairagya't [põlgust maailma vastu].
- The Russians are a queer mixture of strength and weakness. They have got a passion in their intellect, say, a passionate intellect. They have a distracted and restless emotional being, but there is something behind it which is very fine and psychic, though their soul is not very healthy. And therefore I am not right in saying that Gandhi is a Russian Christian, because he is so very dry. He has got the intellectual passion and a great moral will-force, but he is more dry than the Russians. The gospel of suffering that he is preaching has its root in Russia as nowhere else in Europe... other Christian nations don't believe in it. At the most they have it in the mind, but the Russians have got it in their very blood. They commit a mistake in preaching the gospel of suffering, but we also commit in India a mistake in preaching the idea of vairagya [disgust with the world].
- Sri Aurobindo, 22. juuni 1926, Nahar, S., Aurobindo, ., & Institut de recherches évolutives (Paris). India's rebirth: A selection from Sri Aurobindo's writing, talks and speeches. Paris: Institut de Recherches Evolutives. 3rd Edition (2000). [1]