Arutelu:Star Trek
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[muuda]Tõlkeideid tarvis. Eesti keeles vist ei ole nii head 2mõttelist sõna, mis oleks sama hea kui protector ja sobiks nii gaasimaski (millest nad 1. mõttes räägivad) kui kondoomi kohta (mis on 2. mõte, mis rikutud mõtlemisega vaatajaskonnale pähe tuleb ja ma olen kindel, et stsenarist tegi seda meelega (sest naistegelane on seal ilmselgelt Spocki armunud ja räägiks heameelega…bioloogiast…))?
Droxine: I don't like filters or even masks. I like the word protector much better, don't you?
Spock: It is less technical, therefore less accurate, but perhaps more generally descriptive of the function.
3.21 46:10
BirgittaMTh (arutelu) 30. august 2023, kell 13:17 (EEST)
- Tõlkisin. Vt: Arutelu:Kondoom. --Ehitaja (arutelu) 31. august 2023, kell 02:21 (EEST)
- Väga hea! :) Ma aint ivakese toimetasin — seda stseeni vaadates jäi mulje, et kuigi nad on suht kõrvuni armunud, ei kasutaks nad eesnimesid st pole ikkagi sina peal, noh u nagu Nataša ja Andrei "kas te armastate mind" stseen. Aga kuidas arvate. Ja kuidas märgistad oma vikitõlke. BirgittaMTh (arutelu) 31. august 2023, kell 17:25 (EEST)
Picard: "A wise man once said: "There is a sucker born every minute.""
Data: "Barnum, sir. P. T."
Picard: "I've been examining the dynamics of what used to be called "the con game". Quite fascinating. Worthy of your study, Data."
Data: "Sir, do you believe Ardra is -- to use the vernacular -- a con artist?"
Picard: "Yes, I do, Data. And I believe it is our job to out-con the con artist." BirgittaMTh (arutelu) 29. oktoober 2023, kell 10:53 (EET)
4.13, "Devil's Due", 21:12
The Mind's Eye
[muuda]4.24 TNG 4:40
Picard: "Captain's log, stardate 44891.6. The Enterprise has been ordered to accompany a special emissary from the Klingon High Council to the Kriosian system, where one of their colonies is fighting for independence."
Ambassador Kell: "There was a time when Empire would crush a rebellion. Now it is tolerated. We have enough troubles on our home planet so we don't wish to divert resources to such a trivial war.
Picard: "You're preparing to grant them independence?"
Kell: "Well, perhaps. Conquer them again later, if we wish."
stsenaarium: René Echevarria, 25. mai 1991 ("The Mind's Eye" was filmed between Wednesday 20 March 1991 and Thursday 28 March 1991 on Paramount Stage 8, 9, and 16 – niiet on nii prohvetlik kui ka päevakajaline) BirgittaMTh (arutelu) 30. oktoober 2023, kell 13:33 (EET)
[muuda]DS9 1.1 1:09:57
Prophets: Your linear nature is inherently destuctive.
The Forsaken
[muuda]DS9 1.16 (netflixis) 1.17 (wikip, memory alfa), 16:00
Odo: I don't have time for romantic interludes. Frankly, in my humble opinion, most of you humanoids spend far too much time on your respective mating rituals.
Sisko: It does help the procreation of one's species.
Odo: Procreation does not require changing how you smell or writing bad poetry, or sacrificing various plants to serve as tokens of affection. In any event, it's all irrelevant to me.
Sisko: I'm sorry to hear that.
Someone to Watch Over Me
[muuda]Star Trek: Voyager, 5.1, 1:29
B'Elanna: You've been staring at us all night. In fact, you were following us yesterday, when we were walking to Engineering, and the day before, when I was waiting for Tom outside the shuttle bay.
Seven: You are correct. I have been observing you as part of my research on human mating behavior.
B'Elanna [reading Seven's notes]: "Stardate 52647, 1400 hours. Subjects quarrel in corridor outside female's quarters. Male returns with 12 flowering plant stems, species Rosa rubifolia, effecting a cessation of hostilities. Stardate 52648, 0300 hours. Intimate relations resume." How the hell do you know when we are having intimate relations?
Seven: There is no one on Deck 9, Section 12 who doesn't know when you're having intimate relations.
Blink of an Eye
[muuda]Voyager 6.12 16:16 Technician (astronoomi assistent): I doubt everything, remember? Even my own doubts.
[muuda]Kui keegi sedagi vihjaks, millises seriaalis see oli? Vist mitte TNG, ma oleks märganud. Seriaal "Picard" on vaatamata, järsku on seal. Aga igaljuhul, kas Picard tsiteerib Frankli?
- Frankli enda tõdemus: Olla inimene tähendab püüelda midagi, mis jällegi ei ole ainult olemine ise. Niipea, kui inimeseks olemine enam ei küüni iseendast kaugemale, muutub ellujäämine mõttetuks, isegi võimatuks.
- Picard: "Inimene olla tähendab teha endast midagi rohkemat, kui sa oled." (Vikitsitaatide jaoks tõlgitud)
- [viide tuvastamisel]